Tuesday, March 10, 2009

rough draft

To be able to fix everyone’s problem would be a tremendous gift and a tremendous curse all at the same time. Through my life I have tried to fix most any problem that comes my way. To fix these problems I have chosen paths such as action, reflection, and avoidance very rarely solving the main problem but just getting rid of the symptoms. Problems can be hard to dissect because most people do not say what is truly wrong they only let you know the symptoms so while you spend time getting rid of the symptoms the underlying problem is never touched and those feeling are left in your gut. Sherman Olney can fix every one else’s problems but the reader is unable to figure out what his problem is. Is he God? Is he an angel? Is he a fugitive? How can this man fix a radiator and bring someone back to life? “The Fix” is a story that challenges the idea of God or Jesus by showing us more of the man who fixes everything.

We all see God as this all knowing all powerful being. He is able to create worlds, fight Satin, Bring down plagues and floods, and to inspire billions. Through the story “The Fix” I think we get a closer look at who god is. In this story I believe Sherman Olney to be Jesus; the vision of God as man. Sherman is able to fix modern day problems like radiators, razors, toilets, marriages, businesses, and the occasional death. Jesus was a miracle worker able to cure leprosy, starvation, and original sin. While both get to help people in their own way Sherman seems to struggle with this gift where as Jesus was able to use this gift as a launching point for a greater message and cause. Sherman’s struggle starts at the beginning of the story when he is getting beaten up by two individuals in an alley. We later learn that these individuals are either from the government or a big business trying to use Sherman to fix their problems. This is a key difference then in the life of Jesus where the Pharisees tried to discount and undercut his importance through calls of blasphemy and excommunication; Sherman was sought after.

Douglass the narrator of the story shows us that everyone needs a friend. In a way he reminds me of Peter (Jesus’ rock) only he does not abandon Sherman in his moment of struggle instead he runs with him. Douglass is scared, nervous, and has no idea where they are going all he knows is his friend is in trouble and maybe he can help. Douglass is a good friend and employer throughout this story as he stands by and helps Sherman from the first page to the last I think this speaks to how everyone needs a crutch. They need that thing to lean on for some it is a friend, others a wife, others a parent or it could be an activity. I feel this is an often overlooked aspect of the story; while we are all concentrating on who or what Sherman is we forget to see how Douglass is truly his rock. The role of confidant is not one that should be taken lightly to gain someone’s trust enough for them to share their darkest fears is something very remarkable in itself. We see Douglass struggle to get inside Sherman throughout the story. He defends him to his wife “He’s honest, I know that. He never even glances at the till… Sherman’s no crook. Why I’d trust the man with my life. There are few people I can say that about.” His love and trust for Sherman shines through this conversation with his wife, Shelia. Why is he so trusting and loving for this stranger?

To be able to fix things is a marvelous gift but is this why Douglass is devoted to him? He never really gets to know this man as Sherman is barely audible throughout the entire story. So, why is Douglass so loyal to him? Sherman did fix up his deli and bring in customers but their friendship seems to run deeper. I believe it is not that Douglass is as faithful to Sherman as both men are committed to each other. The story opens to Douglass saving Sherman’s life, getting him a job, and a place to stay. The story then continues to Sherman fixing everything in the shop and then bringing business with his magical hands. The story closes with the two men running from the mob together.

These two men who seem very different at the beginning turn out to have a lot in common and why I believe they have such a good friendship. They both are caring individuals, they like to help others, they are brave, they keep to themselves, and they trust. To trust in this day and age is a very difficult thing to do as Shelia pointed out; “and he’s in the shop all alone…you have lost your mind. Now, you go right back down there and get rid of that guy.” Shelia takes the very sane approach to the problem of having a complete stranger in your place of business staying the night. The trust that there two show in each other replaces most of Shelia’s doubt. When they get back to the deli what do they discover but that he fixed the toilet and the foot massager. This is a great example of just what friendship and love is built upon; trust. It is only a five letter word but there are few things more important to a person’s life.

Throughout this story you get to see many comparisons to Jesus, God, and friendship but I found the moral of the story to be “You have to be careful about what you fix. If you fix the valves in an engine, but the bearings are shot, you’ll get more compression, but the engine will still burn up.” I believe Sherman is telling us to take it easy and trust the one’s you love to fix their own problems. If they cannot then trust they will ask for your help to do so. It can be dangerous fixing everything.

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